About Us

Meet Louise Hebert, President, Lead Trainer

I have been training dogs for over 25 years. Six years ago, I made the decision to train dogs on a full-time basis, and I never looked back. Working with dogs and their humans was the best decision I ever made! It brings me incredible joy to see the connection humans and dogs make as they train and learn together. I see how it deepens their bond and how beneficial it is for both humans and dogs. I am passionate about helping you develop a long-lasting, trusting relationship with your dog.

My primary focus is to set you and your dog up to succeed, using Science based, Positive Reinforcement training methods.I provide a variety of training options in your home, group settings and online.

My focus has been working with rescued dogs. However, more recently I am getting more and more requests to help people train their potential Service orTherapy Dogs.There is a tremendous need for this type of training and it is my great honor to help humans and their dogs in this very important work. Thank you for trusting me.


Certified by Animal Behavior College as trainer for:

Continuing Education through:

Certified by the American Kennel Club as trainer and evaluator for:


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